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TibiaCam TV 9.83 / Tibia cam 9.83 / Tibia cast 9.83

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TibiaCam TV 9.83 / Tibia cam 9.83 / Tibia cast 9.83 Empty TibiaCam TV 9.83 / Tibia cam 9.83 / Tibia cast 9.83

Mensagem por gugubot Sáb Mar 16, 2013 2:42 am

TibiaCam TV 9.83 / Tibia cam 9.83 / Tibia cast 9.83

tibiacam tv is the programme enabling audio and recording of films from tibii in
format .cam. the light of day saw 18 april this year.

the official party programme:

1. the advantages and disadvantages of the programme.
in the initial compared with the main competitor on the market (tibicam) the programme runs glaringly
the advantages of the outstanding.:
*accelerating the tape,
*reversing 30 seconds in the back of the during the reproducing,
*a number of varying (details in further part guide),
*jump to any of the moments.,
*the possibility to scrap a film on the main party of the programme, where he will be generated.
in the description arise all the information regarding the tape - kto go nagrał, if monsters
have been killed, what questy have been made at the time of recording and many others.

here are the programme:

*Download tibiacam tv
*Odpalamy plik, który pobraliśmy:
*we choose a language of the installation and we've got symptomsfrom catalogue to install the programme (any).
*required is 2.2mb free place for disc.

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