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Tibia Multi Ip Changer 7.1 - 9.81 ( 8.7 ,8.6 ,9.10 ,9.5 )

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Tibia Multi Ip Changer 7.1 - 9.81 ( 8.7 ,8.6 ,9.10 ,9.5 ) Empty Tibia Multi Ip Changer 7.1 - 9.81 ( 8.7 ,8.6 ,9.10 ,9.5 )

Mensagem por gugubot Ter Mar 12, 2013 8:13 am

Tibia Multi Ip Changer 7.1 - 9.81 ( 8.7 ,8.6 ,9.10 ,9.5 )

What is IP Changer ?
- This is an application using which you connect to a server of their choice OTS !

What can I do to work ?!
- Its simple. Simply download the application we unpack it and run. And in the window that we will enter the IP address otsa found on pages intended for this purpose.

What versions Tibi supports ?
- The current version supports all IP Changer Tibia client version so now you will not need a separate IP Changer for the next version of Tibia.

Supported Versions:
-Tibia 7.1; Tibia 7.2; Tibia 7.21; Tibia 7.26; Tibia 7.27; Tibia 7.3; Tibia 7.4; Tibia 7.5; Tibia 7.55; Tibia 7.6; Tibia 7.7; Tibia 7.8; Tibia 7.81; Tibia 7.92; Tibia 8.0; Tibia 8.1; Tibia 8.2; Tibia 8.21; Tibia 8.22; Tibia 8.31; Tibia 8.4; Tibia 8.42; Tibia 8.5; Tibia 8.51; Tibia 8.52; Tibia 8.53; Tibia 8.54; Tibia 8.55; Tibia 8.57; Tibia 8.60; Tibia 8.62; Tibia 8.70; Tibia 8.71; Tibia 8.72; Tibia 9.0; Tibia 9.1; Tibia 9.2; Tibia 9.4; Tibia 9.41; Tibia 9.42; Tibia 9.43; Tibia 9.44; Tibia 9.45; Tibia 9.46; Tibia 9.5; Tibia 9.51; Tibia 9.52; Tibia 9.53; Tibia 9.54; Tibia 9.60; Tibia 9.61; Tibia 9.62; Tibia 9.63; Tibia 9.70; Tibia 9.71; Tibia 9.80; Tibia 9.82 [New]

Tibia Multi Ip Changer 7.1 - 9.81 ( 8.7 ,8.6 ,9.10 ,9.5 ) Ipchangerr

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