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Tibia MULTI ip changer 7.1 - 9.70

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Tibia MULTI ip changer 7.1 - 9.70 Empty Tibia MULTI ip changer 7.1 - 9.70

Mensagem por pueblo Qua Ago 22, 2012 8:46 am

Tibia Multi Ip changer 7.1 - 9.70

What is IP Changer?
- This is an application using which you connect to the server of their choice OTS!

What to do in order to work?!
- It's simple.Just download application, unzip it and run. In the box enter the IP address of ots found on pages.

What versions of Tibia support it?
- The current version supports all Tibia client version so now you will not have to download a separate IP changer to the next version of Tibia.

Supported versions:

-Tibia 7.1; Tibia 7.2; Tibia 7.21; Tibia 7.26; Tibia 7.27; Tibia 7.3; Tibia 7.4; Tibia 7.5; Tibia 7.55; Tibia 7.6; Tibia 7.7; Tibia 7.8; Tibia 7.81; Tibia 7.92; Tibia 8.0; Tibia 8.1; Tibia 8.2; Tibia 8.21; Tibia 8.22; Tibia 8.31; Tibia 8.4; Tibia 8.42; Tibia 8.5; Tibia 8.51; Tibia 8.52; Tibia 8.53; Tibia 8.54; Tibia 8.55; Tibia 8.57; Tibia 8.60; Tibia 8.70; Tibia 8.71; Tibia 8.72; Tibia 9.10; Tibia 9.31; Tibia 9.44 ; Tibia 9.5; Tibia 9.53; Tibia 9.54; Tibia 9.60; Tibia 9.70 [latest]

Tibia MULTI ip changer 7.1 - 9.70 2005zxk




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